ONCOLOGY, mastopathy, thyroid nodes, gynecological problems - these are capacious, important words, which are not recommended to be ignored under any circumstances.
I want to make a point right now. We do not treat cancer.
But as in the work of any medical institution, there are situations that are called "accidental finds" in medicine. As we all know, such "findings" are especially common in oncology (gastroscopy was done if gastritis was suspected, stomach cancer was found, etc.). In the interests of the common cause, we decided to share our observations and speak on this issue.
It would seem, what does manual therapy (MT) have to do with this problem?
Now let's try to figure it out.
According to the founder of osteopathy, the American doctor Still: “The disease occurs due to a violation of the blood supply to the organ. Establish a full-fledged blood supply to the organ and the organ will recover.”
We could be indifferent to such statements if it were not absolutely certain that Dr. Still cured osteopathically (a type of manual therapy) even patients with dysentery, and up to 400 patients turned to him a day !!!!!
What happens during a well-calculated and correctly dosed MT:
1. As a result of manual therapy (MT), the central nervous system and the peripheral one begin to work as a whole. This creates the possibility of delivering objective information about the processes taking place in the body to the central nervous system. There is a response of the central nervous system to the identified deviations from the normal parameters of the body.
2. Restoration of neuro-reflex connections between the brain and executing organs and systems, after manual therapy (MT), allows the brain to receive reliable and undistorted information about problems in the body. Information that, due to the existing "break" in the signal from the organ to the central nervous system, did not reach the brain - finally reaches it.
3. By stimulating (physically, during the MT procedure) the control centers in the spinal cord, which have a display and a direct connection with the brain, the doctor from the outside helps to obtain separate information in the central nervous system, which can be regarded as follows: “pay special attention to the existing problem in this segment of the spinal cord.
4. The brain determines all the parameters of the body's work, and if you want, "reboots" the work of those systems in which the accumulated errors interfere with the normal operation of the "health program".
5. The changes made to the working parameters of the body's work bring them as close as possible to the values laid down "by nature".
At this stage, we must stop and consider in more detail how the outwardly activated “health program” manifests itself:
1. Turning on the "health program" reveals deviations from the "pattern" and begins to eliminate these deviations. This is the famous, well-known "exacerbation" that every traditional medicine doctor knows about. And the greater the "deviation", the more powerful the aggravation. Which of us was not surprised at the happy face of a homeopath who said: “I have a woman with hay fever for the third day filled with snot ...”. That is why after MT, gastritis worsens, stones go, etc. And at this moment, what we call a multiple organ reaction sometimes happens.
2. A multiple organ reaction is a state of overexcitation of all or most body systems that occurs in the patient's body, manifested by a feeling of exacerbation of diseases that are actually not diagnosed in this person during examination. This is a sign of global damage to body systems and the neglect of the pathological process.
For example: a 67-year-old patient complains of lameness and pain in the left leg, recurrent headaches, working pressure of 160/110 mm Hg, periodic crises up to 200/160 mm Hg. She has no other complaints. On examination, slight hepatomegaly, pain to the left of the spinous processes of L3, L4, bilateral pain from C1-C2, C6, C7. On radiographs of the spine, the disposition of C1-C2, C6-C7, L3, L4 is described. Treatment: After the C1-C2 reposition, a reaction is noted in the form of nausea, weakness, a feeling of fear for 5-7 minutes. Due to the atypical course, manual therapy was discontinued. BP control - 120/80 mm Hg. Feeling good after 15 minutes according to the patient "excellent". During the day, a multiple organ reaction begins to develop. The patient complains that along with the relief of headaches, improved walking, there were sensations of hypersensitivity along the spine, "torsion" in the arms and legs, a feeling of each organ in the abdominal cavity. In bed, "he does not find a place for himself", but after falling asleep he sleeps soundly. Sent for examination. The result - revealed oncological disease IVst. This case is not unique. Unfortunately, many people pay little attention to their health, and it is difficult, and sometimes impossible, to take effective measures in advanced cases. It all depends on the degree of decompensation or "wear and tear" of the body systems due to the pathological process. One thing pleases - over the past 3 years, we have only encountered such reactions in five cases.
3. What about an exacerbation without a multiple organ reaction? What does it indicate? The fact that the mechanisms of self-regulation have turned on, and with the true desire of the patient, any disease can be defeated (with God's help). In particular, the oncology section includes such disorders of innervation and blood supply to organs that are not entirely related to it, such as mastopathy, thyroid gland “nodules”, cysts and pelvic formations in women, and prostate hyperplasia in men. In addition, there are a number of diseases such as hemorrhoids, varicose veins of the lower extremities and much more, which are based on the same cause. All these diseases arise as a result of impaired blood supply and innervation of organs, and pathognomonic (treatment of the cause) of their treatment is not only possible, but also quite simple.
Let's consider everything using the example of the famous mastopathy (we take it together with the "nodes" of the thyroid gland, since the reason is the same). The control of the shoulder girdle and organs of the lower part of the neck is carried out by a group of segments of the spinal cord located at the level of C6-Th2. Due to infringement by a displaced vertebra of one or more roots extending from one or several segments of the spinal cord, there is a pain syndrome of varying severity (depending on the degree of displacement and the strength of the infringement) and spasm of the vessels that supply blood (or lymphatic supply !!!) to the thyroid and thoracic ( mammary glands in a woman. Often this condition is accompanied by numbness and pain in the hands (because the hands are innervated from there). Disturbed blood circulation and innervation of the thyroid gland lead to its malfunction, violating the regulatory mechanisms of the “pituitary-thyroid gland-executing hormone-dependent organs”. There is an interruption in the normal innervation of the organ and a "break" in this hormonal chain, which leads to a violation of the entire hormonal background in the body (hence the disturbances in blood tests for hormone levels. And let's treat with hormonal pills, unbalancing everything even more). Against this background, impaired blood circulation and innervation of the mammary gland initiate a spasm of the lymphatic vessels of this gland itself, which leads to a violation of the free drainage of the lymphatic vessels and, due to the obstruction of the outflow of lymph into the large lymphatic duct, their varicose expansion.
These are dilated varicose lymphatic vessels and are taken for "cysts". Thus, the treatment consists in eliminating the cause of this spasm, which prevents the discharge of lymph into the large lymphatic duct, and the size of the so-called. "cyst" is sharply reduced. Naturally, the cure cannot be instantaneous with many years of existence of the problem, but relief comes already during the first MT session. And in young women, sometimes 2-3 sessions are enough to completely normalize and restore breast function. That's cystic mastopathy for you. The mechanism of formation of "nodes" in the thyroid gland is exactly the same. This is what determines such a bright, revealing and simple procedure for treating both mastopathy itself and the thyroid gland, and what is called the “effect on the table”.
Example: Patient S., 40 years old. She has been observed by an endocrinologist for 12 years about the "nodules" of the thyroid gland. Receives preventive treatment. In all 22 findings of ultrasound of the thyroid gland, the presence of diffusely located in the tissues of the thyroid gland hyperechoic nodules ranging in size from 1.5 to 3 mm in diameter. Complains of heaviness in the lower neck, numbness of the hands, headaches, pain when pressing on the chest, painful mensis. On the radiograph of the cervicothoracic spine - disposition C1-2, C5-C6-C7 with rotation to the left, changes in the type of osteochondrosis in the region. Th2-3. Treatment: 6 sessions of manual correction of the cervicothoracic spine were performed with an interval of 1 month between them. On the control ultrasound of the thyroid gland in the interval of 6.5 months from the previous one, there are no data for the presence of thyroid nodules. Clinically, there are no complaints of heaviness in the lower parts of the neck, numbness of the hands, headaches, pain when pressing on the chest. mensis painless.
Patient S., 46 years old. She has been observed by a mammologist for 15 years about mastopathy of the breast. Since childhood, suffers from hyperplasia of the thyroid gland. Receives prophylactic treatment - mastodinon. In all 16 findings of breast ultrasound, the presence of diffusely located fibrocystic formations ranging in size from 2.0 to 5 mm, occasionally formations up to 7.0 mm in diameter are visualized. Complains of the presence of a "hump" in the "withers", constant heaviness in the lower neck, numbness of the hands, headaches, pain when pressing on the chest, painful mensis, pain in the legs and lower back. On the radiograph of the cervicothoracic and lumbar spine - the disposition of C6-C7, Th2-3, Th6-7, retrospondylolisthesis L3, L4, their rotation to the left, retroposition of the sacrum. Treatment: Locally - segmental correction of the spine was performed according to the method of Statsenko V.P. with reposition of dystopic vertebrae. Due to the "disorganization" of the patient, the correction was carried out 4 times in 6 months (which is a deviation from the treatment regimen). On the control ultrasound of the breast in the interval of 6 months from the previous study, single nodes are noted in the breast tissue, the size of the "nodules" does not exceed 2.0 mm. Clinically, there are no complaints about the presence of a "hump" at the "withers", constant heaviness in the lower parts of the neck, numbness of the hands. The headaches have ceased, there is no pain when pressing on the chest, the mensis is painless, the pains in the legs and lower back have ceased.
To illustrate how important the correct anatomical position of the vertebrae, especially the cervical and upper thoracic spine, is for the development of diseases, I will give an example from practice. Over the past year, we have asked all women without exception who have a retroposition of 2-3 thoracic vertebrae (the patients themselves call it a “hump on the neck”) the question: “did the gynecologist examine you, and what diseases were identified?”. Of the 19 women, 17 answered that they had undergone operations in the small pelvis, 4 of them underwent a complete extirpation of the internal genital organs. All patients noted that the "hump" appeared approximately 3 years before the operation. 2 women, in parallel with the manual correction of the spine, were sent by us for examination by a gynecologist. Both of them had gynecological pathology.
Concluding the illustration of this section, I want to give one more, in my opinion, a very weighty argument for maintaining your health. My father, Taran Ivan Grigoryevich, PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of Pathological Anatomy of the DMI, who worked for 45 years at the Department and another 10 years in the Department of Pathomorphology of the 16th City Hospital of Dnepropetrovsk, by the nature of his activity, conducted scientific and practical work on oncology. Once, at a lecture for 3rd year students, he said: “It is noted that women who give birth to children with an interval of 3-4 years have a minimal risk of developing breast cancer. And women who fully breastfeed their children are practically devoid of the risk of developing uterine cancer in the future.
P.S.: oncology is an extremely difficult, complex problem, requiring a huge amount of knowledge and experience from the doctor. It is often much more difficult to tell a patient: “do not operate” than to perform the most difficult operation. And sometimes, no matter how paradoxical it sounds, such an approach gives a person additional months and years of life. But you still need to know exactly to what extent, and to what extent this operation can afford to be done!