
It would seem, what new can be said on this topic?

Can! It's just that everything said will be a long-forgotten known fact.

Few people know that the famous healthcare reform, supported by the World Health Organization in Ukraine, did not just involve strengthening the role of commercial medicine. The main goal was to improve the quality of medical care! At the same time, a significant increase in the percentage of natural births was assumed in the field of obstetrics!

Like in the European Union, America or China. Those. in all maternity hospitals, women give birth themselves, after the onset of the natural time of childbirth, after the discharge of amniotic fluid. How did they do it for thousands of years without doctors, all kinds of stimulants, etc. No Cesarean sections, preterm births (when a woman's fetal bladder is opened, early labor is stimulated, etc.). And for that small percentage of women who are known to have deviations in the state of health and the course of pregnancy, childbirth is carried out in a highly specialized Center equipped with the latest technology and top-class specialists.

Such a Perinatal Center was created in our city!

Then everything is like ours. On the basis of the perinatal center, honor and praise be to him, there is a system of preparation for childbirth, which involves childbirth in a natural way. More than half of births are natural. Although the center is supposed to be filled only with seriously ill patients requiring special, close supervision?

Where are they? And they fill maternity wards that are not adapted for such purposes! Like this? You ask. But like this!

And the reason is you, dear patients. It is you who “ask” for one or another maternity hospital, without even discussing with the doctor: do you want to give birth by caesarean section (mind you, not according to the American technique, but according to Fannenstiel-Gusakov, according to the 1954 method!), Do you want to undergo an early birth with the opening of the amniotic sac, when the cervix is ​​open by 3 fingers, and the baby's head is 15 centimeters in diameter. You are all ready later, having suffered, having run into neurologists with a constantly screaming child, with pain to talk about the fact that you are old-bearing at 28, that you have a narrow pelvis, that you did not have labor activity (and how could she be in early birth? ) and many many others. And it doesn’t even cross your mind that your baby’s neck injury could be due to the wrong choice of birth technique. With your ignorance, and eternal faith in the doctor. "Doctor said".

From life:

My daughter is giving birth. I set the condition: no premature births and cesareans. Pay at the most expensive rate. One doctor from three maternity hospitals agrees. They gave birth.

Daughter's story: morning, dining room. 7 women in labor tell horrors how painful it is, how difficult it is, what a horror to give birth. The daughter asks in a timid voice: “Girls, why did my contractions hurt only, and when the attempts started, a state of bliss set in, and I didn’t feel pain?” One of the women in labor who was present says: “You were the only one who gave birth yourself, we were all stimulated and the fetal bladder was opened.” I don't comment...


1. Before pregnancy, make sure that you do not have lower back pain. The nerve through which the brain commands all the organs of the small pelvis exits the spine at the level of the 5th lumbar vertebra. The problem of getting pregnant and giving birth without hindrance due to existing lower back pain is huge! Solving it during pregnancy, when you come with acute pain, is much more difficult and risky.

2. According to the work of Hippocrates: “How to properly charge a patient” “a doctor should charge a large fee from the rich, moderately from the poor”! Given that in our country everyone is charged a large fee, you have the right to DEMAND that you be explained in detail, based on the survey, how your birth will take place. If the doctor’s qualifications are not enough, and he talks about some incomprehensible possible complications, go to another. A qualified doctor should live well on your money.

3. In which maternity hospital to give birth? When I was solving such a problem, I turned to the most authoritative pediatric surgeon, who knows a lot from the inside. His answer hit me. "None!" he said. "Look for a sane doctor." Began to search. Stunned again. Good doctors are "encrypted" so that the head. branch "did not eat". Tip: Talk to your doctor ahead of time. different. When making a decision, gather as much information about the doctor as possible. A qualified person will take it and explain everything in detail. Of course, we are talking about a situation where you or the fetus do not have serious diseases or anomalies. But even in this case, a qualified doctor will tell you why it is so, and not otherwise.

4. Having given birth to a child, remember: a healthy child eats, pees, poops and periodically plays quietly. Stool - yellow, mushy. Dot. No impurities, slime or bad smell! If the child is restless, first of all, discuss with the pediatrician whether the child has a tummy ache. Very often, intestinal dysbiosis worries the little one so much that it mimics neurological symptoms. That is why the treatment of neurologists is absolutely ineffective. Just remember